Filifita NT

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The New Testament in the Filifita Language (Ilahita Dialect), East Sepik Province, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

Nupela Testamen long tokples Filifita long Niugini

Ipeꞌ ataꞌ ukup miliꞌ pegolopa waf buꞌunai noloma piwis kingdom Ananinai piliꞌ, neseꞌepa amamaga amama ipeꞌ wapotiꞌ.

—Matthew 6:33

Endilisi, God Nogalomana ananinai atotona nape. Owaꞌetin. Eaꞌ anan okom nainaila amam nematawa hiapai mape etapi. Eaꞌ naseꞌapai Nogalomana ananinai atotona ma emi egafis sombaleꞌefanai sope andeandeꞌ, ina segaꞌma waf aonai, owaꞌ. Sofaꞌ ambal namunai sope andeandeꞌ laꞌelaꞌef hihif.

—John 3:16

Maim amamaga maꞌi meatagamapai, buꞌwami awami hiami, God nandaꞌam mandaꞌ maol atom migiambama apeꞌ epes ukup maimaila anani. Apeꞌ epes nofalapa eaꞌ ma mondaꞌ maol Ananinai mila okom Ananinai.

—Romans 8:28


The New Testament in the Filifita Language (Ilahita Dialect), East Sepik Province, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

Nupela Testamen long tokples Filifita long Niugini

copyright © 1998 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Filifita (Filifita dialect of Mufian)
Dialect: Filifita or Ilahita

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Last updated 2012-11-18