God-are Jögoru I'oho

Omie NT

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The New Testament in the Omie language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Omie long Niugini

Ëhuni nadi ëhemuoho uehorovoꞌi aꞌi God-hu böröme namiromo muebejëvaje muoho noehu vaejöro huhu nimaje muoho ëho nunoro bamorëjo. Ëhi ëꞌëꞌoho God-ro jemesi aruꞌahoho muebejëvoromo röhu ie jove niöge givae bövie biseꞌe ëhuꞌo romoromoro bojëmiꞌajëjo.

—Matthew 6:33

Saꞌae dinöꞌe dinöꞌe God-ro dë vövöbajoꞌe ahoꞌo uehorovavuadeje. Uehorovavuoromo hesi Harihu gemuꞌoho bojamuijadeje ëhuro ae rahu Harihu mae uehorovëꞌohuro ëhuro bogo sisëroho vaꞌi ma-ioroꞌioremu maro raromoröhego.

—John 3:16

No gavaruoho ae rahu God rajahijëꞌiroho mu mae mu sisë huë mae huë sisë jabesi örire rovego röhu God-ro jabumë ajëmiromo huë mahuꞌo huë sisëhuꞌo ahoꞌobëhe avohëhajeje ëhuro ijonö jabumë mae jëvoꞌiröhego hesi nimadëhi rinëgade ariböviëro jëvëꞌëro.

—Romans 8:28

God-are Jögoru I'oho

The New Testament in the Omie language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Omie long Niugini

copyright © 1991 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Ömie (Omie)
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2012-10-23