Vaikala Noxou Lataua

Ata Bible

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Copyright © 2009 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
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The New Testament plus Genesis and Jonah in the Ata language of West New Britain, Papua New Guinea

Buk Stat, Jona, na Nupela Testamen long tokples Pele-Ata long Niugini

Tatei manina no voxo ane Lataua musokou sou mukoinu mimii latala loxo loxotolo ilou lia ꞌo,

—Genesis 1:1

Ia mii vile lexe ngingi ngaꞌoxonu tei aloxo, ngingi ngaxolu ngataloxolingenge no laaxu Lataua mo ngalomuxu la sou Anu ulosinge mimii latala kalumo.

—Matthew 6:33

Lataua tanunenge nenge ta mitema no xalee lia mukalusi, la sou mulosinge ꞌOlu vilesisi mo sou lexe anu ane umulaxu tanu noxou ꞌOlu ne, la usoli uasi, unoꞌu mauli kaluxu uasi.

—John 3:16

Mo nenge telavusou lexe Lataua muꞌoxonu mimii latala muxaxai mupita ne sou uꞌoxoneꞌi aneꞌi ane imasaxau ixali laixe. Aneꞌi ta mitema e Anu muꞌavaliꞌa sou imomomosou mii maꞌia ukalusie anu Lataua muxavutala sou uꞌoxonu ne uxali manina.

—Romans 8:28

Vaikala Noxou Lataua

The New Testament plus Genesis and Jonah in the Ata language of West New Britain, Papua New Guinea

Buk Stat, Jona, na Nupela Testamen long tokples Pele-Ata long Niugini

Copyright © 2009 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
Language: Pele-Ata
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2013-01-05