Ka Lamana'a Mono'i Lu Mu Tifi'ehina Ka Yabe

Benabena NT

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The New Testament in the Benabena Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Benabena

Ya huꞌehinagi kai yataꞌa Huꞌmamofihi kapoꞌalo li kubulo moloto megeꞌi meletogo ai gelo biloto asagaꞌna batiꞌa kimilinaꞌmu yabe.

—Matthew 6:33

Huꞌmau ma melugu bonaꞌi asaga kumu lagaꞌa besinaꞌmu luto sipi ginaga nofigo gi moneko panaꞌasi ho lifigo limiꞌehina. Asaga bonaꞌmagi aitoga keheli uleꞌale hite komopaꞌani molo emite mefililana minoba minoba hilanaꞌmu yabe.

—John 3:16

To lali mana akeheliꞌohune, Huꞌmau lu keheliseꞌnamofihi bonaꞌa enali kumu kehe igo bite aitoga komopaꞌani emiꞌahanamagihi ai asaga huto hilina kanagu hetofana hu epololata nohinagihe.

—Romans 8:28

Ka Lamana'a Mono'i Lu Mu Tifi'ehina Ka Yabe

The New Testament in the Benabena Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Benabena

copyright © 1982 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Bena-bena (Benabena)
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2012-09-26