Iatmul NT

Tok Ples: [ian]Ngepma KwundiIatmul
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Copyright © 1975 Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
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The New Testament in the Iatmul Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Iatmul long Niugini

Wan nda kat ngwuk nɨma maawut ke yelavɨka lɨngwa. Godna kwundi wupmak kat mɨna nɨma maawut yelavɨka lɨngweyan ndɨna apma vak kwilaa kan kɨpmana nda ngwutna lak kwigiyandɨ.

—Matthew 6:33

God kɨpmamba lɨga nɨmba kat nɨma maawut yelavɨka lɨndɨ. Ngi kat tɨga ndɨna nyan wun kat ay wandɨ maa laataa yawun. Nat nyan kat wupma ana wandɨ. Kɨta nyan wun kat vɨlaa wun kat kwunapmat yandɨ waa yelavɨtndeyan wan nyan ana kavle yigiyandɨ.

—John 3:16

God ndɨna maawupmba yagwa wanda nɨmba nɨn. God kat woviyaguga lɨganɨn. God nɨn kat yigiyaa vat apma vat mɨna wan vat nɨn kat kwunatɨgandɨ. Nɨn kat kavle vat ana yilɨgandɨ.

—Romans 8:28


The New Testament in the Iatmul Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Iatmul long Niugini

Copyright © 1975 Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
Language: Ngepma Kwundi (Iatmul)
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2012-12-13