Kube NT+Psalms

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The New Testament and Psalms in the Kube Language of Papua New Guinea

Buk Song na Nupela Testamen long tokples Kube long Niugini

(Dawidiac legic ʒéra.) Yawe imi nuac rama galeŋna, ni imuac me imuac ménda hocmaŋ.

—Psalm 23:1

Imuac bec walac imi Anutuac héŋgaleŋ ama areŋa yanda ʒéma iwac haka solaŋa niŋac wamma ʒéwelecmu. Iwawai tosara imi mocʒoŋ momacnec toroqe énécmidacmac.

—Matthew 6:33

Anutu i baec ic embac neŋaŋ séha imuhuc goinina héima Naŋa momacguc téŋgéŋ nénécmiyec. Imi mia méŋ i ninʒéŋgézac inéŋ ménda humuma kekec hémbénaŋa memac niŋac imuhuc waŋ nénécmiyec.

—John 3:16

Neŋaŋ ninʒiŋ ésécnec, Anutunéŋ ewa siŋ heyec séc unuruyec. Waŋu goi héihéi wammianʒu ionac muru imi iwawai mocʒoŋ yandanéŋ qenaŋgé amuma iwawai hiabia mihicŋi énécmianʒac.

—Romans 8:28


The New Testament and Psalms in the Kube Language of Papua New Guinea

Buk Song na Nupela Testamen long tokples Kube long Niugini

copyright © 2012 Global Bible Translators
Language: Mongi (Kube)
Translation by: Global Bible Translators

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Last updated 2012-11-23