Kokolo Kao Tesene Solo

Kasua NT

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The New Testament in the Kasua language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Kasua long Niugini

Alawamona, keyawa puwano Koteyewi Piseikipela: pota: epesita: matanepa:. Kotewa hekeya ela epapuluse hekeya elaposekiwa matana iliyewi epapu matanepa:. Epapu matanepela: elapitekiwa ma:na: nasewana, saowala, iliyetiye tiyaposakeye.

—Matthew 6:33

Alake peleya: sosolo we sena kesale sopoke sita:newa Koteyewi himu hapa sosolo matananase Ene E Sa:le semeteiwa kamona hamona seyakeye. Hamonapita: Ene E Sa:le minakeye. Inapita: sena kesale eta:wiye Ewemi himu semetei matanepela: sita:newa kokolo kao sitalaposakeye. Iwa maolokeyatepesakeye.

—John 3:16

Nano nowana niyewi heneye matanekeye. Kotema himu hapa matanesene sena kesale amopela: sopolo nano hililawala, nano napowala, nano sopoke hetetisewa Koteyewi nini falela fa:nemi napolo tiyaposakeye. Puwano fa:nemi Koteyewi Ene sikape nano hetetima:na:wa matanepela: kotetikeye. Ene matanawa isu sosolo emi iwa kulu hamonite sena kesale amowa ta:peyakeye.

—Romans 8:28

Kokolo Kao Tesene Solo

The New Testament in the Kasua language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Kasua long Niugini

copyright © 2016 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Kasua

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Last updated 2019-08-11