Keapara Kalo NT

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The New Testament in the Kalo Dialect of the Keapara Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Kalo long Niugini

Na tovotovona ia gena Basileia e gena kala rorirori pio tavu-kunera, ne egau maparara gomi pene venimi.

—Matthew 6:33

Kwalana Palagu na tanopara eulamagi-kamu-iwavagiato gaurai, Natuna wala geregana evenirato, gaurai ia pia kamonagi-venia talimara maparara ati pia kwarega, na maguli vanagivanagi pia vaia.

—John 3:16

Ita ripara, raira Palagu geulamagi-veniana talimara geriai rakagau rakagau gewalana gaura maparara geriana nama pia rawalira. Kwalana votalima ia gena ririwa vetainai ekearato, maguli pia vaia ulanana.

—Romans 8:28


The New Testament in the Kalo Dialect of the Keapara Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Kalo long Niugini

Copyright © 2005 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
Language: Kalo (Keapara) (Keapara)
Dialect: Kalo
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2012-01-18