Migabac Bible Portions

Migabac Bible

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Portions of the Bible in the Migabac language of Papua New Guinea

Sampela hap long Buk Baibel long tokples Migabac long Niugini

Ilec ngenge molic-molicbenang Wapongte ngani-damong nga yele pasi dondonne bafuwanogale bole sugucnehac badabiyeng. Ngenge inguc aibong yedi socte wiyac yogo hocne ingucnehac taockelu ngeledaicte.

—Matthew 6:33

I yangucte, Wapongti himongtowale ngic-ngigac yengele kwele-angac sugucnehac ngagewecte ailu, Madecine moniyang sugu lome himongka wawec. Ilec monicti ye ngagesingkegac, ye mi homadaicte, ye gaga-sanang bagac.

—John 3:16

Aime yanguc ngagegabeleng, Wapongti alingka lolu ngic-ngigac ngageyelelu wacebame yenge yele alingfocine gagaing. Ngic-ngigac kweledi yele angac ngagecaigaing, yenge gaganginang wiyac sasawa fikelu baficebame madicke-benangkecaigaing.

—Romans 8:28

Migabac Bible Portions

Portions of the Bible in the Migabac language of Papua New Guinea

Sampela hap long Buk Baibel long tokples Migabac long Niugini

copyright © 2010-2020 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Migabac
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

Audio recording ℗ 2013 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.

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Last updated 2020-02-20