Kara Naroong-anta Nerakung Kongarana'

Naasioi NT

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The New Testament in the Naasioi Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Naasioi long Niugini

Tenang tutunaꞌ masipoꞌ Kumponinge aaꞌning paning eeꞌnoko kansiꞌ nkovuuꞌnang.

—Genesis 1:1

Teeꞌkoo ainkato noruꞌeriaꞌ Kumponing bakaang muuꞌ deto pankaruntoonge noruꞌerimatoai tee ninka bakaang aarumo koompari otoꞌ ninka nariꞌ eeꞌnoko teing aing kapooꞌ apukaꞌdarimaing nariꞌ aruriainge.

—Matthew 6:33

Eeꞌ, Kumponinge niiꞌ ookara kansiꞌnupoong aaꞌnaꞌ piaamurikotaaꞌ tee Bauring narung masikung kirokai tauraꞌpuuꞌnung tee booꞌparaaꞌnaang niiꞌ paku-koo; bera tee naning tee masikaꞌantavuaing paaꞌaravaukaꞌnung, teka domaang oparavaung otoꞌevuaing.

—John 3:16

Eeꞌnoko niiꞌke noruꞌampiri otong teing ookara kapooꞌnanka tavoꞌarimaing niiꞌ tampaꞌ nko-koong niiꞌ Kumponing piaavampimaing eeꞌnoko baremuri bokumuruꞌning.

—Romans 8:28

Kara Naroong-anta Nerakung Kongarana'

The New Testament in the Naasioi Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Naasioi long Niugini

Copyright © 1994 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
℗ Faith Comes by Hearing
Language: Naasioi
Dialect: Kongara
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2016-08-30