God An Dura Bobaibasit Boboun

Ubir Bible

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The New Testament and Genesis in the Ubir Language of Papaua New Guinea

Buk Stat na Nupela Testamen long tokples Ubir

Ainau anai bag God safam a tafanam ifourai.

—Genesis 1:1

Baise gagamin bag bobo engon tefasi on omi ainau God an Baiaiwab a On an yawas totorin wat aurin on wonnuen, ato On arimon sawar fani engon on initem.

—Matthew 6:33

Yabin God on sabu engon tutufin inuabois kwakwan, on fasinai On Natun kaikas ikutetai onai sabu engon tutufin On sinbitutumai on men sinarab ab yawas mama wantoanin sinboai.

—John 3:16

Ot tasagob sawar tutufin au engonai on God on bobo obis wat efofour ato sabu iyabon On sebinuaboai auris on, osi sabu min On an gogoi nanaba iyoyores on.

—Romans 8:28

God An Dura Bobaibasit Boboun

The New Testament and Genesis in the Ubir Language of Papaua New Guinea

Buk Stat na Nupela Testamen long tokples Ubir

copyright © 1997, 2011 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Ubir
Translation by: PNG Bible Translation Association

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Last updated 2012-11-26