Qenu Qob Uber

Usan NT

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New Testament in the Usan Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Usan long Niugini

An gigit wonou bibis eng nob qomon qoregen eng nob end igorub wot asi ebet igorunon eng, mi eng gagar wonou ar anit igima darab isub igoriba.

—Matthew 6:33

Qenu munon gugum ai qent e sig-sig mom wuriqenungar ne wonou wau ten eng imurima dererei. End ne munon gugum wot oabig eng me umunorei, qenen bebereg igorubour.

—John 3:16

End ne in gun, munon Qenut oabigunor eng Qenu wo wurimaragansi wurinob igama wuri sarau obounor eng git qas buriba. Munon yurau eng wuri Qenu wonou yurau igoarar qamb qo wurimaribigorei igour.

—Romans 8:28

Qenu Qob Uber

New Testament in the Usan Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Usan long Niugini

Copyright © 2001 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
Language: Usan
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2012-11-26