Ka꞉dle Yu

Kamula Bible

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Genesis, Exodus, Jonah, and the New Testament in the Kamula language of Papua New Guinea

Buk Stat, Kisim Bek, Jona, na Nupela Testamen long tokples Kamula long Niugini

Kotiyamale sitali dla Godtapo ta꞉lamo mate pepele di mate mimita꞉piyo.

—Genesis 1:1

Epedeme wua꞉ Pepele dimo koko totamama wua꞉ Ata solotamale koko tatle ala꞉iya. Wua꞉ta epapelepiye, asiyama ya꞉tapo wua꞉ta totamha꞉ha꞉ alisisi hapulomaye wua꞉ watle hapilipe.

—Matthew 6:33

Godtapo di ta꞉la so sikemte bokotiyapo malapame Yami hatlope tulune duwapo. Epedeme opa anawolotapo ya꞉ dla mikadepe dlepiye, yia꞉ popalliwa, amasiyama yia꞉ye halepo halepo pasakalo halepe.

—John 3:16

Epedeme dimalamana, adipapele koko hapuloma dulu dla Godtapo ya꞉ sikemte malaha꞉ha꞉ so dla ka꞉ka꞉dle koko tlo dinapomhalapo. Ame adipalati, God meyelo yu himili dolumama dia꞉ye ya꞉ta ya꞉ akimlala depame ma-sesalemuwapo.

—Romans 8:28

Ka꞉dle Yu

Genesis, Exodus, Jonah, and the New Testament in the Kamula language of Papua New Guinea

Buk Stat, Kisim Bek, Jona, na Nupela Testamen long tokples Kamula long Niugini

Copyright © 2005 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
Language: Kamula
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2012-01-20