Terms of Use
Creative Commons License
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials deposited here are
made available to you under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works license. That means that you have permission to share, copy, distribute, and
transmit them freely, provided that you keep copyright and license information intact, that you
do not sell the work for a profit, and that you do not change the words or punctuation.
In addition, you have permission to make derivative works that are only
extracts and/or file format changes, but which do not alter any of the
words or punctuation. If you are a software developer working on Bible study software, you will probably want USFM or USFX (XML) source for these Bible translations. They are located at the URL you get when you replace "html" in the link to the downloadable zipped html files with "usfm" or "usfx", depending on which format you would like.
Pictures included with Scriptures and other documents on this site are licensed just for use with those Scriptures and documents. For other uses, please contact the respective copyright owners.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available if you contact us with your request. If you want to revise a translation, use a translation in an adaptation, or use a translation commercially, we will relay your request to the appropriate copyright owner.
If you have further questions about this web site or the Terms of Use, please contact us.