Autaahaatɨhomɨ Pɨwɨha Gaaha Wanɨha

Angaataha NT

Language: [agm]AngaatahaAngaataha
Title:Autaahaatɨhomɨ Pɨwɨha Gaaha WanɨhaAngaataha NT
Abbreviation:ID: AGMPNG or agm
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The New Testament in the Angaataha language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Angaataha long Niugini

Isɨ sahɨ saiwaapɨ nanɨpimatɨwɨ jɨhɨ yeye tɨwɨ Autaahaatɨhoai nehɨ iwinjasaihɨ amɨ ko sangisɨ jainja bimone. Jainjatonɨhɨ amɨ sahɨ koai andɨtitɨwɨ isɨwatɨwɨ amɨ tɨtɨhɨtirɨhɨretɨ ko maaritatɨ gwɨnyapesɨrɨhɨretapɨhapaapaahɨhɨ jasamana nasonɨhɨ kɨretɨ japepihɨrɨwɨse. Aisaihɨ Autaahaatɨho kaiwa japepihɨrohɨwaiwaamɨ tiwatɨhaatɨ samɨ nenoaahɨtiwaiwa nahatewa nasamɨtaise.

—Matthew 6:33

“Iyataatɨ Autaahaatɨho isɨhiya yapɨpatambɨhiya nahatiyai maarɨho apɨpaahɨ aungwohandɨ nunyataise. Siyatɨ maarɨho aungwohandɨ nunyataatɨ nɨnɨ komɨ Mwaahonɨnɨ nehɨ naasonɨhi kiyaapɨhɨ natanoaasataise. Natanoaasindɨmandɨ apaapɨmaahe amɨ utaaho itapa wo waatɨ nisapɨ gɨnunyaahohiyɨhiya wɨndɨ namaapopɨ kiya asɨyaimatɨwɨ jinjapɨhɨ jinjapɨhɨ kiyaanɨhɨ bimɨtaatɨwe.

—John 3:16

Aihɨ nyahɨ sɨretɨ mmonɨhaayo, kahapaamapɨpa gaahaiwa maipɨhaiwa nahataapa nyangi nanyoaipasɨhɨ nehohɨwaiwa Autaahaatɨho netɨ nyangisatɨ maasɨ otɨpɨpatɨ kiyatɨ nepemaisɨhɨ kaiwetapɨ nehɨ gaahandɨhɨhɨ nanyoaipasɨhɨ nyahɨ Autaahaatɨhoai maarɨho nunyohiyɨhiyaanɨnɨ sawaho komɨ gwɨnyaasɨwaiwa kawitɨhaawɨ gaanyatihɨ nasohiyɨhiyaanɨnɨ nehaayo.

—Romans 8:28

Autaahaatɨhomɨ Pɨwɨha Gaaha Wanɨha

The New Testament in the Angaataha language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Angaataha long Niugini

copyright © 2004 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Angaataha
Translation by: PNG Bible Translation Association

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Last updated 2012-11-17