Yesus Aqa Anjam Bole 2000

Anjam NT 2000

Language: [boj]AnjamAnjam
Title:Yesus Aqa Anjam Bole 2000Anjam NT 2000
Abbreviation:ID: BOJPNG or boj
Copyright © 2000 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
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The New Testament in the Anjam language of Papua New Guinea, 2000 edition

Nupela Testamen long tokples Anjam long Niugini, 2000

Deqa niŋgi kumbra qujai endi yoqniy. Niŋgi Qotei na taqatŋgosim nuŋgo Mandor Koba sqajqa ti aqa kumbra bole bole dauryqajqa ti siŋgilaoqniy. Niŋgi degyqab di Qotei na kamba iŋgi uyo ti gara ti dego eŋgoqnqas.

—Matthew 6:33

“Qotei aqa Ŋiri qujai unu. Qotei na tamo uŋgasari kalil mandamq endi unub qaji naŋgi tulaŋ qalaqalainjrsiq deqa aqa segi Ŋiri qujai di naŋgi enjrej. A endegsi are qalej, ‘Tamo uŋgasari naŋgi ijo Aŋgro qa naŋgo areqalo siŋgilatqab di naŋgi padalqasai. Naŋgi ŋambile gaigai sqab.’ Qotei a degsi are qalsiq deqa aqa segi Ŋiri qujai naŋgi enjrej.

—John 3:16

Iga qalieonum, tamo kalil Qotei qalaqalaiyeqnub qaji naŋgi Qotei na geregereinjreqnu. A nami naŋgi eleŋqa osiq metnjrej deqa kumbra bei na naŋgi ugetnjrqa keresai. Kumbra kalil naŋgoq di branteqnu qaji dena naŋgi olo boletnjreqnu.

—Romans 8:28

Yesus Aqa Anjam Bole 2000

The New Testament in the Anjam language of Papua New Guinea, 2000 edition

Nupela Testamen long tokples Anjam long Niugini, 2000

Copyright © 2000 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
Language: Anjam
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2001-01-01