Anötö ndê Yom Lêŋsêm Wakuc

Bukawa NT

Language: [buk]BukawaBukawa
Title:Anötö ndê Yom Lêŋsêm WakucBukawa NT
Abbreviation:ID: BUKLBT or buk
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The New Testament in the Bukawa language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Bukawa long Niugini

Gêŋ ŋamata-ŋga akôm ŋaŋga bu atap malam sa yêc Anötö ndê gôliŋ ŋapu, ma bu asa iŋ ndê lêŋ gitêŋ. Ma iŋ oc yob mac tu gêŋ nom-ŋga-ŋga whiŋ.

—Matthew 6:33

“Bu Anötö atac whiŋ lau nom-ŋga ndu andô, dec kêŋ ndê Atu tigeŋ mbac ndu tu ŋac-ŋga, bu lau hoŋ naŋ sêkêŋ whiŋ iŋ, naŋ oc sêniŋga dom, magoc sêtap seŋ sêndöc tali-ŋga sa.

—John 3:16

Ma yac lau naŋ Anötö kêgalêm yac sa dati iŋ ndê lau, tôm iŋ dau gauc gêm tidôŋ, naŋ taŋyalê bu iŋ gêm gôliŋ gêŋ hoŋ, bu ti yac lau naŋ atac whiŋ iŋ, naŋ neŋ ŋayham.

—Romans 8:28

Anötö ndê Yom Lêŋsêm Wakuc

The New Testament in the Bukawa language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Bukawa long Niugini

copyright © 2000 Lutheran Bible Translators Australia
Language: Bukawa
Translation by: Lutheran Bible Translators Australia

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Last updated 2012-01-13