Godoni Vu'a Maiu'ina

Managalasi NT

Language: [mcq]ManagalasiEse or Managalasi
Title:Godoni Vu'a Maiu'inaManagalasi NT
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The New Testament in the Ese Language, also known as the Managalasi Language, of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Mangalasi long Niugini

ꞌEnakaivo ja marakuꞌa Huni ara ꞌunamiji ꞌee Huni ꞌunama kaꞌene ariramaiji saravakame ijiꞌa uneunecha kaꞌene mweꞌakaki jara pivusahujaho Hura vajihuna.

—Matthew 6:33

Godi mweꞌa kakaho oja nihoꞌo mahajihunaꞌe Huni Hariha nikwinuna kaivo Hu múhanaꞌomo ea irara Hu nimaa ronujaho hu papaꞌarehuna kaivo hu majama hihuna.

—John 3:16

Nú nihena kavu. Ea kaꞌene Godi oja mahe ꞌee Huni ura ijí veꞌavarono iji pijihajija uneunecha mahoꞌo ahuma rejujija Godira ꞌeke vejuꞌe pua maranihunaꞌe venuna.

—Romans 8:28

Godoni Vu'a Maiu'ina

The New Testament in the Ese Language, also known as the Managalasi Language, of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Mangalasi long Niugini

copyright © 1975, 1999 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Managalasi (Ese or Managalasi)
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2012-10-23