Got Nga Nambuha Ik Kai

Melpa NT

Language: [med]MelpaMelpa
Title:Got Nga Nambuha Ik KaiMelpa NT
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Copyright © 1995 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
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The New Testament in the Melpa Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Melpa long Niugini

Ei kʉn, Got nga wamp tʉpa mumuk rui uⱡ ei nga kel rangga molkʉn, wote Got elim nga namba uⱡ mat indʉn nimba pʉtʉm ei mel in ndam, nim namba mel numan ngun mbʉ, ngangga kapⱡa etmba.

—Matthew 6:33

Ei kʉn, Nuim Got ndi, tʉn mʉi kona ila wamp mbʉ, kont minal kuⱡpa, elim nga kangʉm mendpʉⱡ ei, tʉn ngurum. Ei nga, elim nga kangʉm ei, mondʉk piling wamp mbʉ, uⱡ nga kʉnt nga kont mul uⱡ ei, molk mint ping.

—John 3:16

Wote, tʉn pʉtmʉn ni, wamp nam ti, Got elim nga numan pʉtʉm uⱡ mbʉ, pep rangga nimba wamp ei, Got numan ngumba kʉn, namba uⱡ mat ei, elim kʉn orum mbʉ, elim etpa kai mondʉmba onum nimba pʉtʉm.

—Romans 8:28

Got Nga Nambuha Ik Kai

The New Testament in the Melpa Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Melpa long Niugini

Copyright © 1995 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
Language: Melpa
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

Earlier edition was © 1965 British and Foreign Bible Society

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Last updated 2012-10-18