Mauni Mamaga Iifaga

Mekeo NT

Language: [mek]MekeoMekeo
Title:Mauni Mamaga IifagaMekeo NT
Abbreviation:ID: MEKPNG or mek
Copyright © 1998 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
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The New Testament in the Mekeo Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Mekeo long Niugini

Ega puo Deo ega agofaꞌa, ke ega alo opai laoꞌi maiꞌi fokapu kakauꞌi. Egae kai egaꞌina kapaꞌi maꞌoai aniꞌi oani auꞌi isafa egaꞌina fou laagai ageogeaua.

—Matthew 6:33

“Gome Deo agofaꞌa papiauꞌi aniꞌi eani alogaina kainai, Gauga ega mo agaꞌomo auga eulaisa emai iꞌina agofaꞌa papiauꞌi eeꞌiai, ega koa kaisau mo isa akepakoꞌania auꞌi fakemae umamo kai, agu pagai maunina fekeafia eoma.

—John 3:16

Ke iꞌa alogo, Deo kapa maꞌoai ekapaꞌi auga, papiau kapaꞌi aloꞌi koꞌagai Isa anina keani, ke ifo kapaꞌina fekekapa eoma kainai eifaniꞌi auꞌi fauꞌiai felo mo femia eoma puo ekapaꞌi.

—Romans 8:28

Mauni Mamaga Iifaga

The New Testament in the Mekeo Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Mekeo long Niugini

Copyright © 1998 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
Language: Mekeo
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2012-01-19